Hot Insulation is required for environment temperature exceeding +60 degree Celsius. This type of insulation comes under Hot Insulation.
The materials used to construct the insulation work to prevent your pipes from overheating, while keeping the warmth inside the pipe.
This helps to cut down on energy bills for your facility, saving you money in the long run.
Material Required
Unbounded Glass Wool with Handmade Mattresses upto 400 Degree.
Unbounded Mineral Wool with Handmade Mattresses upto 500 Degree.
Just like hot insulation materials, some of the materials used to produce cold insulation vary dependent upon the system of pipes they are insulating.
Therefore, the materials used in either hot or cold insulation are dependent on the customization of the particular piping system.
The Insulation is required for environment temperature below ambient -20 degree celsius. These type of Insulation comes under Cold Insulation.
Material Required
Nitrile Rubber (sheets and tubes)
Thermocole (sheet & pipe section)
Polyurethane Foam Sheet & Pre Formed Pipe section.
This is a combination of Hot & Cold Insulation where the process demands are for Hot & Cold Insulation, and the process lines and equipments are used
for both purposes. Normally, COLD INSULATION is done first & then later on HOT INSULATION or vice versa. It completely depends on the condition.
Material used will be same as HOT INSULATION & COLD INSULATION.