Soundproofing is any means of reducing the sound pressure with respect to a specified sound source and receptor. There are several basic approaches to
reducing sound: increasing the distance between source and receiver, using noise barriers to reflect or absorb the energy of the sound waves, using damping structures such as sound baffles, or using active antinoise sound generators.To prevent you from being disturbed by the activity in the next room, whether the room is upstairs or in line, the construction has to prevent sound from
being transmitted. This doesn’t have to be a massive concrete slab or wall. Acoustic Insulation relates to the overall ability of a building element or building structure to reduce the sound transmission through it. Two types of sound insulation might be referred to – airborne sound insulation & impact sound insulation. These Application is required for reducing Sound Abuse. This is mainly for providing comforts and cozy working atmosphere.
The main application is on Buildings, Malls, Theaters, Hotels, Studios and Hospitals where simultaneous activities are going on.